Reasons for Bleeding Gums

You could have dental problems, but you may not experience the symptoms. And one way of knowing your oral health status is visiting Brodner Dentistry in Tequesta, Fl, for general dentistry. Dr. John Brodner and his professional team can detect dental issues and recommend treatment options meeting your personal needs. 

What Causes Your Gums To Bleed?

Bleeding gums are a sign of dental disease. Or the bleeding may be due to an improper brushing or flossing technique. If the situation becomes chronic, the below factors could be the root cause. 


Gingivitis or swelling of the gums could be the reason your gums are bleeding. It's a gum disease due to plaque that buildups at your gumline. As a result, your gums get irritated, inflamed, and red. It causes bleeding when you brush your teeth.

Practicing good oral hygiene can relieve the problem by brushing your teeth and flossing two times a day. Be sure to see your dentist at Border Dentistry often.


Treating gingivitis in its early stages is critical because it can develop into periodontal disease. Periodontitis can damage the supporting tissue and bone for your teeth. As a result, your gums get inflamed and infected. They can also pull back from your teeth' roots. 

Gum disease can also cause bad breath, loose or separating teeth. You can avoid this situation by going for general dentistry at Brodner Dentistry in Tequesta, Fl. 


Bleeding gums may also be a sign of leukemia. Your body needs blood platelets, which stop bleeding. But the platelet count drops if you have leukemia. Because of this, your body, including your gums, can't stop bleeding. 


If your gums are bleeding, it could mean that you've type 1 or type 2 diabetes. That's because diabetes weakens your immune system. It causes your mouth to be powerless to fight off germs. And this leads to infections, such as gum disease. It becomes worse as your body finds it difficult to heal due to high blood sugar levels co-occurring with diabetes.

Hemophilia or Von Willebrand Disease

A health disorder, such as von Willebrand disease or hemophilia, makes it hard for your blood to clot. So, bleeding gums can be a symptom of this condition.

A Shortage of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for tissue growth and repair. You need it to heal your wounds and strengthen your teeth and bones. A shortage of it leads to a weak immune system, causing bleeding and swollen gums. 

Contact Border Dentistry Today

Your gums bleed due to multiple causes. Because of this, it's a wise decision to visit Border Dentistry for general dentistry in Tequesta, Fl, to get help from caring experts. Call the office at (561) 746-7600 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Brodner today! You'll get personalized treatments to restore your healthy smile.

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